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Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 halaman 200, 202

Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8 halaman 200, 202 Chapter 12


Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8 halaman 200, 202 Chapter XII merupakan alternatif Jawaban dari soal-soal Buku Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP/MTs Chapter 12 Don't forget it please semester 2. Jawaban yang kami berikan hanya berupa jawaban alternatif saja, sebagai referensi bagi adik-adik . Rajin lah belajar dan membaca dari berbgai sumber agar khasanah pengetahuannya bertambah. Sebaiknya  adik-adik mencoba alternatif  jawaban sendiri. 

Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 halaman 200, 202

Dengan adanya pembahasan kunci jawaban seperti ini diharapkan dapat membantu peserta didik Kelas VIII SMP/MTs dalam menjawab soal-soal baik sebagai Tugas Individu maupun Kelompok. Dan Juga dapat menjadi Referensi untuk soal ulangan seperti soal penilaian harian , soal penialain tengah semester , soal penilaian akhir tahun, maupun tugas pekerjaan rumah (PR). Semoga bermanfaat bagi adik adik.

Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8 halaman 200 Chapter 12

To do in the morning:

1. Sweep the floor twice a day, in the morning before you go to school and in the afternoon.
2. Always have breakfast before you go to school.
3. Make the bed every morning.
4. Don’t forget to close the windows before you leave the house.

To do in the afternoon:

1. Don’t forget to water the plant in the afternoon.
2. Don’t make a mess. Put your dirty clothes in the basket.
3. Dry the towels on the line after you take a bath.

To do in the evening/at night:

1. Turn off the lights before you go to bed.
2. Make sure the backdoor is locked before you go to bed.
3. You can play games, but make sure you do your homework first.

To do any time of the day:

1. Wash the dishes straightaway after you finish eating.
2. You have a lot of fruits in the refrigerator. Eat enough fruit and vegetable every day.
3. Mop the floor at least every two days.

Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8 halaman  202 Chapter 12


1. Mom, I’m sorry I did not have time to wash the dishes before I

went to school this morning.  I’ll do it when I get home this afternoon.

2. Dad, I am going to Dayu’s house. We are going to do our homework.  I’ll  get  home  before  six.

3. Dad, I’m sorry I broke my door. I fell on the door when I tripped  over the stool.  Would you fix it for me, please?

4. Rina, our group has to describe the back yard of the school. We  have to hand-write it on a piece of paper.  Then, we have to put it on the wall magazine.

5. Dad, happy birthday. I’m sorry I was still fast asleep when you  left for work this morning.  Thanks for being the best father. I love you Dad.

6. Tom, it is our turn to cook the dinner for the family today. We  have a lot of eggs, a cabbage, carrots, shallots, and tomatoes.  What if we make fried rice and scrambled eggs?

7. Grandma, we will have a party to thank God for our new house  on Sunday.  Will you stay with us for the whole weekend?

8. Winda, I made a pudding last night. You should have some with  your breakfast. It’s in the fridge.  I put a lot of fruit in it.

Demikian Pembaca Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8 halaman 200, 202 Chapter 12 buku siswa kelas 8 SMP/MTs kurikulum 2013.

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